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Why Isn’t My Poshmark Closet Selling?

If you’ve recently started a Poshmark closet, you might ask, “Why aren’t my listings selling?”

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Your photos don’t reveal enough. Users will first see your listing by its photo. It’s a totally make-it-or-break-it moment. Of course, your photos should be top notch quality. While you can still use a camera phone, make sure you’re taking a picture with great lighting and a decent angle. The same goes for selfies if you choose to model your pieces. Be sure to photograph any imperfections, so a customer is aware of them.

Your descriptions aren’t detailed. In the description, a customer should have all the information they need about a product. Consider the following questions: Has it been worn ever or slightly? Are there any imperfections? Why are you selling it in the first place? Does the size run smaller or bigger than usual? Is it a vintage item?

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 10.02.44 PMYou’re not sharing or following enough. You need to maintain an active network of followers, in addition to constantly sharing other closets.

Your prices are too high. Remember that popular brands, such as Victoria’s Secret PINK, are the high-selling items. If you’re condensing your closet full of less popular brands, you might not be able to take advantage of high ticket prices for used clothing. Investing in clothing is much like investing in a car; the value goes down the moment you walk out of the store, no matter how awesome the condition is.

Was this story helpful? Do you experience any other issues with your Poshmark closet? Have any of these techniques boasted sales in your closet? Tweet @decorcione with your feedback!