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Don’t Eat These Foods Before You Suit Up

While there’s no quick fix to make your body bikini-ready, we can tell you that if you’re about to put on your swimsuit for any reason this summer, avoiding these foods will help you feel at least a little better about your figure:

  1. Sodas and other fizzy beverages: Soda is not only bad for you in the long-term, but it can also leave you with some unwanted side effects in the short term as well. Carbonated drinks don’t just put bubbles in your mouth, they can also lead to bloating and gas in your stomach as well. If you’re a fan of sparkling water, we hate to say it but skip it until after you’ve gone to the pool or the beach for the day because while it may not have the calories, it does have the same effect on your stomach.
  2. Green, leafy veggies: Normally we’re all about recommending you eat lots of your green, leafy vegetables, also known as cruciferous vegetables, but not right before you don a bathing suit. The reason? These types of veggies have substances that can lead to the dreaded belly bloat. Any other time they’re great to include in your diet, of course.
  3. Lots of sugar: This may seem like a no-brainer since sugar tends to pack on the pounds, but you may not even be considering how much sugar is in those mixed drinks we all love to enjoy during the summer. The same goes for plain fruit juice. All of that sugar is just going to cause you to bloat and not look your best in a swim suit.

Instead of the above foods, try some of the following replacements:

  1. Cucumbers: Cucumbers make a refreshing pre-beach or pool snack and they’re not only healthy and tasty, but they’re also full of water so they’re bloat-busters.
  2. Watermelon: Watermelon is another one of those amazingly refreshing summer treats that not only tastes great, but also helps you banish bloat. Watermelon, as the name implies, is full of water, and staying hydrated is the best way to flush out your system and see a flatter stomach.
  3. Egg whites: If you want something more substantial than cucumbers or watermelon, consider having egg whites before a day in the sun. They have protein so you’ll feel fuller for longer, but they also act as a diuretic which helps to naturally reduce bloat and water weight.
  4. Greek yogurt: Similar to egg whites, Greek yogurt is packed with protein and it also helps as a digestive aid, which can lead to a nearly instantaneous flatter stomach. Make sure you choose an option that’s low in sugar, or else you may combat the good effects of Greek yogurt.